Professor Matt Jose

Professor Matthew Jose MBBS, PhD, FRACP, is Professor of Medicine, University of Tasmania, and a Nephrologist at the Royal Hobart Hospital. He chairs the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA) steering committee, Peritoneal Dialysis working group for the Australasian Kidney Trials Network (AKTN) and is the immediate past-Honorary Executive Officer for the ANZ Society of Nephrology. He has an interest in CKD, published CKD data for Tasmania in 2009 and has helped develop CKD.TAS. He supervises 4 PhD students, one of which is examining CKD prevalence in the Northern Territory. Prof Jose has a lead role in the CRE Surveillance platform and in translation of CRE outcomes.
View profile on University of Tasmania website
Renal Physician, Royal Hobart Hospital
Professor of Medicine, University of Tasmania
Adjunct Professor, MenziesInstitute for Medical Research, Tasmania
MBBS (Adelaide), FRACP, PhD (Monash University), FASN, AFRACMA
Professional memberships and associations
- Chair of Steering Committee, Australia & New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)
- Scientific Committee, Australasia Kidney Trials Network (AKTN)
Current projects/grants
- Tasmanian CKD study
- Psychosocial aspects of CKD